Monday, March 24, 2025
Institute of Advanced Theology Spring Lecture Series
Bard Hall 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm EDT/GMT-4 A lecture series from Bruce Chilton, Bernard Iddings Bell Professor of Philosophy and Religion; Director, Institute of Advanced Theology The Bible does not mean only what Christianity says it means, or only what Judaism says it means, or only what Islam says it means. Biblical meaning also cannot be reduced to the caricatures produced by a small but strident coterie of atheist Fundamentalists in recent years. The Bible unfolded over the course of a millennium of development. During that process social forces in each phase shaped the texts as they stand today, and in some cases the texts can be seen to push back against their contexts. The formation of the Bible resulted in the evolution of a social message, what the Aramaic, and Hebrew, and Greek languages of composition call a “gospel.” Our series is designed to uncover the grounding principles of this gospel as it unfolded over time and was articulated by the Bible in its own terms, before Judaism, Christianity, and Islam emerged. The spring lecture series will take place on Mondays at 12:30 pm in Bard Hall, from March 24 to April 21. |
Monday, March 10, 2025 Olin Humanities, Room 102 5:15 pm EDT/GMT-4 Formed in the middle decades of the twentieth century, the settled-upon pillars of American Jewish self-definition (Americanism, Zionism, and liberalism) have begun to collapse. The binding trauma of Holocaust memory grows ever-more attenuated; soon there will be no living survivors. After two millennia of Jewish life defined by diasporic existence, the majority of the world’s Jews will live in a sovereign Jewish state by 2050. Against the backdrop of national political crises, resurgent global antisemitism, and the horrors of the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, American Jewish identity is undergoing epochal change. Where might things go from here? Joshua Leifer is a journalist whose essays and reporting have appeared in The New York Times, The New York Review of Books, The Atlantic, The Guardian, The New Statesman, Haaretz, The Nation, and elsewhere. A member of the Dissent editorial board, he previously worked as an editor at Jewish Currents and at +972 Magazine. He is currently pursuing a PhD at Yale University, where he studies the history of modern moral and social thought. His first book Tablets Shattered: The End of an American Jewish Century and the Future of Jewish Life (Dutton 2024) won a National Jewish Book Award in 2025. |
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 For over a thousand years, the Hebrew Bible was translated into Aramaic. The rendering was often free-ranging, adaptive, and expansive. The Targumim, as they are called on the basis of their Aramaic name, reflect how the biblical texts were understood as much as what the original words said. Yet midway through the period of Targumic formation, some rabbis have been interpreted to say that the angels before God speak only Hebrew, so that prayers in Aramaic are not heard. This discussion of Aramaic translations will try to elucidate this discrepancy between the interpretations. |